
Help Us by Volunteering with Surrey

“Neighbor helping neighbor” is the Surrey Services ethos. We depend on the energy and commitment of hundreds of volunteers each year. Because of the importance of our volunteers, we work to find roles that fit every age and interest. In fact, more than two-thirds of Surrey volunteers are older adults.

Types of volunteer opportunities:

  • Drive members to medical appointments, the grocery store, and other errands.
  • Shop for home bound members.
  • Make friendly phone calls such as daily check ins and reminder calls.
  • In addition, Surrey welcomes volunteer groups from corporations, church groups and other community organizations.

Become a volunteer or learn more about having your group volunteer by emailing Diane or call her at 484-321-6102.

Surrey Services Facts:*

People Served
Home Delivered Meals
Rides Provided
*Numbers provided are 2020 only
and not a total of all years.

60 Surrey Way
(formerly 60 Chestnut Ave.)
DevonPA 19333
